Life can be a Puzzle - find out how Astrology reveals your missing pieces...
Friday, August 3, 2018
Time For A Change...
Thanks for following me all these years...
Wednesday, May 2, 2018
Full Moon in Scorpio: A Tale of 3 Yods (Fingers of God)...
Sunday, April 29th, 2018 at 6:58 pm MDT the Moon sat directly opposite the Sun at the celestial longitude of: 09 degrees of Scorpio 39' (09 degrees of Taurus 39') with the Sun holding hands with the Vertex - something Fated/Destined This Way Comes! And we experienced the Full Moon in Scorpio.
The Moon is our Emotional Body; the Sun, our Vital and Soul Body. Scorpio is fixed water; Taurus is fixed earth. Together they support one another, yet are separate - there is no amalgam here, not like the Pisces/Virgo mutable water/earth opposite signs that can become muddled and co-dependent at times. Unless there is a major flood situation...the fixed earth of Taurus will support the fixed ice of Scorpio.
This Full Moon brings forth Illumination into our deepest and closely held fears of the Ego-self. Here the full Unconscious Light of the Sun shines upon that which you have been hiding away in the dark, perhaps for eons. Scorpio brings forth the skills of research and investigation (Inner depths), with strong passionate emotions/fears and the need for privacy, space and peace and quiet. As a water sign, deep emotions and insights via intuition and signs gleaned from around you bring keys that help to unlock those deeply hidden fears. There can be AHA moments and leaps of faith to DO some action that goes against your usual inner grain.
The Full Moon chart showed 3, count 'em, 3 (!) YODs or Fingers of God, two of which connected with the Full Moon! This dynamic planetary formation asks that we Let Go of Old Patterns of Conditioning (aka habits , mindsets, heartfelt feelings that have hindered our way forward in some regard) as much as possible, between the planet at the pointed part of the Finger and the two planets/asteroids that create the base of the Finger, while figuring out how to allow these two base planets to WORK TOGETHER in ways they haven't done before now in your life. In doing so, we release old patterns of conditioning that have prevented us from moving forward, speeding up our forward direction a wee bit more! Let's take a peek, shall we?
YOD #1: Pointing to the Moon (our Emotional Body) in fixed water Scorpio are Venus (our Desire Body) sitting in mutable air Gemini and Mercury (our Mental Body) sitting in cardinal fire Aries:
PS I added all the her/she as the text was written in 1976 and we are now in 2018. LRR
Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff - Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker
Photo Credits: April/May 2018 Sheep River and area, Okotoks, AB Canada + Gibbous and Full Moons April 28/29, 2018 by Laurie Rae Rezanoff
The Moon is our Emotional Body; the Sun, our Vital and Soul Body. Scorpio is fixed water; Taurus is fixed earth. Together they support one another, yet are separate - there is no amalgam here, not like the Pisces/Virgo mutable water/earth opposite signs that can become muddled and co-dependent at times. Unless there is a major flood situation...the fixed earth of Taurus will support the fixed ice of Scorpio.
This Full Moon brings forth Illumination into our deepest and closely held fears of the Ego-self. Here the full Unconscious Light of the Sun shines upon that which you have been hiding away in the dark, perhaps for eons. Scorpio brings forth the skills of research and investigation (Inner depths), with strong passionate emotions/fears and the need for privacy, space and peace and quiet. As a water sign, deep emotions and insights via intuition and signs gleaned from around you bring keys that help to unlock those deeply hidden fears. There can be AHA moments and leaps of faith to DO some action that goes against your usual inner grain.
The Full Moon chart showed 3, count 'em, 3 (!) YODs or Fingers of God, two of which connected with the Full Moon! This dynamic planetary formation asks that we Let Go of Old Patterns of Conditioning (aka habits , mindsets, heartfelt feelings that have hindered our way forward in some regard) as much as possible, between the planet at the pointed part of the Finger and the two planets/asteroids that create the base of the Finger, while figuring out how to allow these two base planets to WORK TOGETHER in ways they haven't done before now in your life. In doing so, we release old patterns of conditioning that have prevented us from moving forward, speeding up our forward direction a wee bit more! Let's take a peek, shall we?
YOD #1: Pointing to the Moon (our Emotional Body) in fixed water Scorpio are Venus (our Desire Body) sitting in mutable air Gemini and Mercury (our Mental Body) sitting in cardinal fire Aries:
- Our Emotional Body has been filled with deeply-held fears, hiding our truest expression of passion and even to find our true passion.
- Our Desire Body wants to push through these fears, no matter how daunting this action seems to be, and
- Needs the assistance of our Mental Body - where the Ego-self can sit in judgement, restriction and illusion, and yes, FEAR! - to mentally allow these desires to be freed from the ice they've been frozen Within for how long now? Do you have the courage to change your mind (Mental Body) in order to allow that which you desire for your life and yourself to work together?
- Venus in Gemini is the networking guru, collecting data and sharing it along the way - like a fairy or Merlin using his wand to shower us with knowledge gained through others.
- Mercury in Aries (which we've lived with since March 6th just before the Mercury pre-Retrograde Shadow timing began) brings forth the need for IMMEDIATE ACTION NOW (!) do you feel the impatience? To create instinctual change like a Warrior, Explorer and/or Pioneer within your life, mentally! Clearing away the chains of fear that have bound you mentally from tackling whatever project or problem or quest that has sat before you that seemed so daunting, until many times, since March, have you CHANGED YOUR MIND about a decision you thought you'd already made? Vacillating back and forth and back and forth wondering if you'd ever get through ALL the mental fears and anguish to create something NEW? Within Your Life? Could be you were hiding Within your Darkness all this time, unconscious of this process acting itself out. Are you conscious about it now?
YOD #2: Points to Venus (our Desire Body) in mutable air Gemini, from the Moon (our Emotional Body) in fixed water Scorpio and Saturn Rx (earthly structures/restrictions/constrictions) in cardinal earth Capricorn:
- Here, our Desire Body is chock-full of ideas, thoughts and the need to discuss it all! Share it all! Who can we go to? Perhaps it is also about needing to LEARN something new? Like a HUGE whiteboard - we need to put it all down, map it all out somehow to 'see' our next steps forward within the Desires of what we want for this life, at this time and space.
- Our Emotional Body can be holding us back, literally and figuratively, due to extreme emotional fear of meeting up with our truest passion! What's been holding you back? What's been frozen in Time for you? Scorpio is the ice version of water in Astrology.
- Current structures/goals/plans you've put in place within your life could also be getting in the way. Is it time to remove them, perhaps tear them down a few feet/yards or completely? Like ripping off that band-aid - all at once or slowly over Time. Saturn IS Father Time - it took Time to build up those walls that have hidden us from seeing out (and from being seen, from without!).
- Saturn Rx (retrograde) at the moment, brings forth INNER directed energy, personalizing it, sensitizing it, and wherever Saturn resides, so too does a major fear: Failure. Within Capricorn (the sign Saturn rules by the way) there could be some aspect of the following, for all of us (according to Liz Greene, in her book, Saturn: A New Look at an Old Devil):
"We have chosen to place the birth date of Jesus under Capricorn, the densest of the earth signs and the most ambitious in the worldly sense, although there is no historical evidence that this birth date is appropriate. We have also chosen to place the birth date of Mary at precisely 15 degrees of Virgo, that most mundane and critical of signs. We also celebrate the birth date of the Buddha under Taurus, that slowest and most inflexible of signs. The entire esoteric concept of initiation is connected with Capricorn specifically and the earth signs in general because the initiate has not earned his/her initiation until he/she is able to apply the higher consciousness he/she has discovered to the body and the environment in which he/she functions as a personality. Only when the physical world is made a fitting garment or symbol of the inner spirit is his/her task complete. The mysteries of the duality of spirit and matter have occupied the thoughts of occultists and mystics throughout the ages, and alchemy and astrology in the form we know them were both outgrowths of this attempt to understand spirit in terms of matter through the law of correspondences. The various myths and motifs which are connected with the symbol of Saturn, from Pan through Satan and Lucifer to the prima materia or "Mercurius Senex" of the alchemists, from the serpent in the Garden of Eden to the Hermit of the Tarot deck, should be sufficient to indicate that there is more to earth than meets the eye. And finally we must consider that we exist on the earth intricately connected through the "etheric" or energy field around us to every other kingdom of nature. There is much that we do not understand about the nature of matter. It may be that when we are told in esoteric literature that earth is the final test of initiation for man/woman, there is also an equally valid rational or scientific law which describes the same truth - but we do not possess it yet.
Saturn in the earthy signs pertains, on the surface, to those problems and limitations which affect an individual through his/her bodily comfort, his/her ability to support and sustain him/herself, his/her capacity to find meaningful work which allows him/her a share in the ordering of his/her environment, and his/her ability to achieve responsibility or authority in those areas where he/she has shown competence and skill. This is the simplest interpretation of Saturn in earth, and it will generally be found that this interpretation is valid. It is unfortunate that we are given in the Old Testament the inference that man/woman was driven in labour as a result of original sin for we no longer believe that work can be a creative act. Even God, according to the same document, worked for six days to create the world. There is a basic need in each man/woman to feel him/herself useful, and this is connected with what is called "group consciousness" - the sensing of a unity which implies individual responsibility and the need for a contribution, according to ability, to the whole. This group consciousness has nothing to do with enforced contribution or with mass consciousness where the individual has no meaning in him/herself. There is also a basic need in man/woman to know that he/she has earned through his/her labours something permanent which is his/her unique accomplishment or possession. By it he/she establishes a sense of his/her worth to the group. This "something permanent" may be actual material reward. It may also be more abstruse: standards, values, talent, honour, service. Commerce and trade are as valid a form of communication between people as the written and spoken word, and money, as well as being a symbol of emotional independence, may also be a symbol of individual worth and of skills and services which are offered to others. Consequently, when we look to mythology, we find that Mercury, among his many rulerships, was the god of merchants as well as being the divine messenger, and presided in his inimitably suave fashion over the business deal.
It is possible that Saturn in one of the earthy signs offers an opportunity to learn about the deeper meaning of this element since the solution to the frustrations which he/she symbolizes when placed in earth rarely comes about through the applications of earthy tools. It would appear that the other three elements [air, fire and water] must be understood and integrated to form a tool effective enough to influence the apparent dead weight of earth and alleviate the pain of thwarted instinct."
- We bring forth the element of frozen water with the densest earth to work together while letting go of old patterns of conditioning to unfreeze our fears, bring forth earthly change in the direction of our truest desires, within air, and the duality of The Twins (Gemini). Here, if haven't completely let go of those old patterns of conditioning, we can BE of TWO MINDS, talking ourselves into/out of anything in a moment of Time. Be decisive, share your knowledge, and listen to the knowledge of others to carry you forth even further.
YOD #3: Points to Pluto (Empowerment vs. power and control over) in Capricorn (!) from Venus (our Desire Body) in Gemini, learning to work with Ceres (Nurturance) AND the North Node Rx (direction our Souls wish to head for further evolution) both within the fixed fire sign of LEO:
- After dealing with our Emotional Body and Desire Body's old patterns of conditioning in the first two Yods, we look for ways to create win-win outcomes, empowering one another despite our earthly fears, as we gather the information/data we desire from one another AND look for / give nurturance as we learn to evolve our Soul-self in the direction of the HEART. This, simply, is the ultimate goal. Cool!
- With Leo, if we're coming from the heart, we're operating from our true heart's / soul's desire; if we're coming from the mind, there could be some Ego-self need to manipulate to create power and control over a situation, person or environment. For some, this means I'll nurture or go forward as long is there's something in it for me! Leo asks for heartfelt leadership within a team environment, with compassion. Then we ALL share the creative heart, and receive the love created accordingly.
- Ceres brings forth our need for nurturing people and situations and environments. Ceres reminds us of HOW we were nurtured as children and how/where we look for nurturance now as adults. Is it only mindful or heartfelt? Any changes required, perhaps due to a critical or abusive inner voice that keeps bullying us to stay within the dark? Something to let go of.
I realize this has been a LONG post - it surprised me too! As I wrote this post, we are still within the Full Moon phase. Liz Greene included the following quote from Alice A. Bailey, Esoteric Astrology creator, in the frontispiece of her book on Saturn. Take from it what you will:
"When the disciple knows Saturn as the God who offers opportunity and does not only feel him to be Deity who brings disaster, then he/she is on the path of discipleship in truth and in deed and not just theoretically."Namaste
PS I added all the her/she as the text was written in 1976 and we are now in 2018. LRR
Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff - Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker
Photo Credits: April/May 2018 Sheep River and area, Okotoks, AB Canada + Gibbous and Full Moons April 28/29, 2018 by Laurie Rae Rezanoff
cardinal signs,
Desire Body,
Emotional Body,
Finger of God,
fixed signs,
Full Moon,
Mental Body,
mutable signs,
Full Moon in Scorpio: A Tale of 3 Yods (Fingers of God)...
Sunday, April 29th, 2018 at 6:58 pm MDT the Moon sat directly opposite the Sun at the celestial longitude of: 09 degrees of Scorpio 39' (09 degrees of Taurus 39') with the Sun holding hands with the Vertex - something Fated/Destined This Way Comes! And we experienced the Full Moon in Scorpio.
The Moon is our Emotional Body; the Sun, our Vital and Soul Body. Scorpio is fixed water; Taurus is fixed earth. Together they support one another, yet are separate - there is no amalgam here, not like the Pisces/Virgo mutable water/earth opposite signs that can become muddled and co-dependent at times. Unless there is a major flood situation...the fixed earth of Taurus will support the fixed ice of Scorpio.
This Full Moon brings forth Illumination into our deepest and closely held fears of the Ego-self. Here the full Unconscious Light of the Sun shines upon that which you have been hiding away in the dark, perhaps for eons. Scorpio brings forth the skills of research and investigation (Inner depths), with strong passionate emotions/fears and the need for privacy, space and peace and quiet. As a water sign, deep emotions and insights via intuition and signs gleaned from around you bring keys that help to unlock those deeply hidden fears. There can be AHA moments and leaps of faith to DO some action that goes against your usual inner grain.
The Full Moon chart showed 3, count 'em, 3 (!) YODs or Fingers of God, two of which connected with the Full Moon! This dynamic planetary formation asks that we Let Go of Old Patterns of Conditioning (aka habits , mindsets, heartfelt feelings that have hindered our way forward in some regard) as much as possible, between the planet at the pointed part of the Finger and the two planets/asteroids that create the base of the Finger, while figuring out how to allow these two base planets to WORK TOGETHER in ways they haven't done before now in your life. In doing so, we release old patterns of conditioning that have prevented us from moving forward, speeding up our forward direction a wee bit more! Let's take a peek, shall we?
YOD #1: Pointing to the Moon (our Emotional Body) in fixed water Scorpio are Venus (our Desire Body) sitting in mutable air Gemini and Mercury (our Mental Body) sitting in cardinal fire Aries:
PS I added all the her/she as the text was written in 1976 and we are now in 2018. LRR
Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff - Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker
Photo Credits: April/May 2018 Sheep River and area, Okotoks, AB Canada + Gibbous and Full Moons April 28/29, 2018 by Laurie Rae Rezanoff
The Moon is our Emotional Body; the Sun, our Vital and Soul Body. Scorpio is fixed water; Taurus is fixed earth. Together they support one another, yet are separate - there is no amalgam here, not like the Pisces/Virgo mutable water/earth opposite signs that can become muddled and co-dependent at times. Unless there is a major flood situation...the fixed earth of Taurus will support the fixed ice of Scorpio.
This Full Moon brings forth Illumination into our deepest and closely held fears of the Ego-self. Here the full Unconscious Light of the Sun shines upon that which you have been hiding away in the dark, perhaps for eons. Scorpio brings forth the skills of research and investigation (Inner depths), with strong passionate emotions/fears and the need for privacy, space and peace and quiet. As a water sign, deep emotions and insights via intuition and signs gleaned from around you bring keys that help to unlock those deeply hidden fears. There can be AHA moments and leaps of faith to DO some action that goes against your usual inner grain.
The Full Moon chart showed 3, count 'em, 3 (!) YODs or Fingers of God, two of which connected with the Full Moon! This dynamic planetary formation asks that we Let Go of Old Patterns of Conditioning (aka habits , mindsets, heartfelt feelings that have hindered our way forward in some regard) as much as possible, between the planet at the pointed part of the Finger and the two planets/asteroids that create the base of the Finger, while figuring out how to allow these two base planets to WORK TOGETHER in ways they haven't done before now in your life. In doing so, we release old patterns of conditioning that have prevented us from moving forward, speeding up our forward direction a wee bit more! Let's take a peek, shall we?
YOD #1: Pointing to the Moon (our Emotional Body) in fixed water Scorpio are Venus (our Desire Body) sitting in mutable air Gemini and Mercury (our Mental Body) sitting in cardinal fire Aries:
- Our Emotional Body has been filled with deeply-held fears, hiding our truest expression of passion and even to find our true passion.
- Our Desire Body wants to push through these fears, no matter how daunting this action seems to be, and
- Needs the assistance of our Mental Body - where the Ego-self can sit in judgement, restriction and illusion, and yes, FEAR! - to mentally allow these desires to be freed from the ice they've been frozen Within for how long now? Do you have the courage to change your mind (Mental Body) in order to allow that which you desire for your life and yourself to work together?
- Venus in Gemini is the networking guru, collecting data and sharing it along the way - like a fairy or Merlin using his wand to shower us with knowledge gained through others.
- Mercury in Aries (which we've lived with since March 6th just before the Mercury pre-Retrograde Shadow timing began) brings forth the need for IMMEDIATE ACTION NOW (!) do you feel the impatience? To create instinctual change like a Warrior, Explorer and/or Pioneer within your life, mentally! Clearing away the chains of fear that have bound you mentally from tackling whatever project or problem or quest that has sat before you that seemed so daunting, until many times, since March, have you CHANGED YOUR MIND about a decision you thought you'd already made? Vacillating back and forth and back and forth wondering if you'd ever get through ALL the mental fears and anguish to create something NEW? Within Your Life? Could be you were hiding Within your Darkness all this time, unconscious of this process acting itself out. Are you conscious about it now?
YOD #2: Points to Venus (our Desire Body) in mutable air Gemini, from the Moon (our Emotional Body) in fixed water Scorpio and Saturn Rx (earthly structures/restrictions/constrictions) in cardinal earth Capricorn:
- Here, our Desire Body is chock-full of ideas, thoughts and the need to discuss it all! Share it all! Who can we go to? Perhaps it is also about needing to LEARN something new? Like a HUGE whiteboard - we need to put it all down, map it all out somehow to 'see' our next steps forward within the Desires of what we want for this life, at this time and space.
- Our Emotional Body can be holding us back, literally and figuratively, due to extreme emotional fear of meeting up with our truest passion! What's been holding you back? What's been frozen in Time for you? Scorpio is the ice version of water in Astrology.
- Current structures/goals/plans you've put in place within your life could also be getting in the way. Is it time to remove them, perhaps tear them down a few feet/yards or completely? Like ripping off that band-aid - all at once or slowly over Time. Saturn IS Father Time - it took Time to build up those walls that have hidden us from seeing out (and from being seen, from without!).
- Saturn Rx (retrograde) at the moment, brings forth INNER directed energy, personalizing it, sensitizing it, and wherever Saturn resides, so too does a major fear: Failure. Within Capricorn (the sign Saturn rules by the way) there could be some aspect of the following, for all of us (according to Liz Greene, in her book, Saturn: A New Look at an Old Devil):
"We have chosen to place the birth date of Jesus under Capricorn, the densest of the earth signs and the most ambitious in the worldly sense, although there is no historical evidence that this birth date is appropriate. We have also chosen to place the birth date of Mary at precisely 15 degrees of Virgo, that most mundane and critical of signs. We also celebrate the birth date of the Buddha under Taurus, that slowest and most inflexible of signs. The entire esoteric concept of initiation is connected with Capricorn specifically and the earth signs in general because the initiate has not earned his/her initiation until he/she is able to apply the higher consciousness he/she has discovered to the body and the environment in which he/she functions as a personality. Only when the physical world is made a fitting garment or symbol of the inner spirit is his/her task complete. The mysteries of the duality of spirit and matter have occupied the thoughts of occultists and mystics throughout the ages, and alchemy and astrology in the form we know them were both outgrowths of this attempt to understand spirit in terms of matter through the law of correspondences. The various myths and motifs which are connected with the symbol of Saturn, from Pan through Satan and Lucifer to the prima materia or "Mercurius Senex" of the alchemists, from the serpent in the Garden of Eden to the Hermit of the Tarot deck, should be sufficient to indicate that there is more to earth than meets the eye. And finally we must consider that we exist on the earth intricately connected through the "etheric" or energy field around us to every other kingdom of nature. There is much that we do not understand about the nature of matter. It may be that when we are told in esoteric literature that earth is the final test of initiation for man/woman, there is also an equally valid rational or scientific law which describes the same truth - but we do not possess it yet.
Saturn in the earthy signs pertains, on the surface, to those problems and limitations which affect an individual through his/her bodily comfort, his/her ability to support and sustain him/herself, his/her capacity to find meaningful work which allows him/her a share in the ordering of his/her environment, and his/her ability to achieve responsibility or authority in those areas where he/she has shown competence and skill. This is the simplest interpretation of Saturn in earth, and it will generally be found that this interpretation is valid. It is unfortunate that we are given in the Old Testament the inference that man/woman was driven in labour as a result of original sin for we no longer believe that work can be a creative act. Even God, according to the same document, worked for six days to create the world. There is a basic need in each man/woman to feel him/herself useful, and this is connected with what is called "group consciousness" - the sensing of a unity which implies individual responsibility and the need for a contribution, according to ability, to the whole. This group consciousness has nothing to do with enforced contribution or with mass consciousness where the individual has no meaning in him/herself. There is also a basic need in man/woman to know that he/she has earned through his/her labours something permanent which is his/her unique accomplishment or possession. By it he/she establishes a sense of his/her worth to the group. This "something permanent" may be actual material reward. It may also be more abstruse: standards, values, talent, honour, service. Commerce and trade are as valid a form of communication between people as the written and spoken word, and money, as well as being a symbol of emotional independence, may also be a symbol of individual worth and of skills and services which are offered to others. Consequently, when we look to mythology, we find that Mercury, among his many rulerships, was the god of merchants as well as being the divine messenger, and presided in his inimitably suave fashion over the business deal.
It is possible that Saturn in one of the earthy signs offers an opportunity to learn about the deeper meaning of this element since the solution to the frustrations which he/she symbolizes when placed in earth rarely comes about through the applications of earthy tools. It would appear that the other three elements [air, fire and water] must be understood and integrated to form a tool effective enough to influence the apparent dead weight of earth and alleviate the pain of thwarted instinct."
- We bring forth the element of frozen water with the densest earth to work together while letting go of old patterns of conditioning to unfreeze our fears, bring forth earthly change in the direction of our truest desires, within air, and the duality of The Twins (Gemini). Here, if haven't completely let go of those old patterns of conditioning, we can BE of TWO MINDS, talking ourselves into/out of anything in a moment of Time. Be decisive, share your knowledge, and listen to the knowledge of others to carry you forth even further.
YOD #3: Points to Pluto (Empowerment vs. power and control over) in Capricorn (!) from Venus (our Desire Body) in Gemini, learning to work with Ceres (Nurturance) AND the North Node Rx (direction our Souls wish to head for further evolution) both within the fixed fire sign of LEO:
- After dealing with our Emotional Body and Desire Body's old patterns of conditioning in the first two Yods, we look for ways to create win-win outcomes, empowering one another despite our earthly fears, as we gather the information/data we desire from one another AND look for / give nurturance as we learn to evolve our Soul-self in the direction of the HEART. This, simply, is the ultimate goal. Cool!
- With Leo, if we're coming from the heart, we're operating from our true heart's / soul's desire; if we're coming from the mind, there could be some Ego-self need to manipulate to create power and control over a situation, person or environment. For some, this means I'll nurture or go forward as long is there's something in it for me! Leo asks for heartfelt leadership within a team environment, with compassion. Then we ALL share the creative heart, and receive the love created accordingly.
- Ceres brings forth our need for nurturing people and situations and environments. Ceres reminds us of HOW we were nurtured as children and how/where we look for nurturance now as adults. Is it only mindful or heartfelt? Any changes required, perhaps due to a critical or abusive inner voice that keeps bullying us to stay within the dark? Something to let go of.
I realize this has been a LONG post - it surprised me too! As I wrote this post, we are still within the Full Moon phase. Liz Greene included the following quote from Alice A. Bailey, Esoteric Astrology creator, in the frontispiece of her book on Saturn. Take from it what you will:
"When the disciple knows Saturn as the God who offers opportunity and does not only feel him to be Deity who brings disaster, then he/she is on the path of discipleship in truth and in deed and not just theoretically."Namaste
PS I added all the her/she as the text was written in 1976 and we are now in 2018. LRR
Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff - Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker
Photo Credits: April/May 2018 Sheep River and area, Okotoks, AB Canada + Gibbous and Full Moons April 28/29, 2018 by Laurie Rae Rezanoff
cardinal signs,
Desire Body,
Emotional Body,
Finger of God,
fixed signs,
Full Moon,
Mental Body,
mutable signs,
Sunday, April 15, 2018
New Moon in Aries: Letting Go of Old Patterns of Conditioning?
Sunday, April 15th, 2018 at 7:57p MDT the Moon + Sun sit together in the sky as the New Moon at 26 degrees of Aries 02' holding hands with ERIS (!) to remind us this Moon cycle of what it is that we've been neglecting in our respective lives.
At the same time, this New Moon lineup sit at an angle to Jupiter at 21 degrees of Scorpio 06' Rx (retrograde) sensitizing and bringing the expansive energy deep Within to help us all Let GO of Old Patterns of Conditioning re power and control issues, emotional manipulation, Ego-self fears and trust issues! The Divine Plan is to help us move out of the Shadows into our Passionate natures - when was the last time you felt passionate about something? Really truly - when?
The New Moon lineup in the cardinal fire of Aries brings forth the archetypes of:
At the same time, this New Moon lineup sit at an angle to Jupiter at 21 degrees of Scorpio 06' Rx (retrograde) sensitizing and bringing the expansive energy deep Within to help us all Let GO of Old Patterns of Conditioning re power and control issues, emotional manipulation, Ego-self fears and trust issues! The Divine Plan is to help us move out of the Shadows into our Passionate natures - when was the last time you felt passionate about something? Really truly - when?
April Mountains & Clouds High River, AB |
- Warrior
- Pioneer
- Explorer
Via instinctual action, assertion, standing up for ME, Myself & I, eh? This is the "I" of the I AM keywords in Astrology: Aries + planetary ruler, Mars + 1st House themes. Your physical body, moving it athletically or otherwise, and how you embrace that Inner Warrior part of yourself Soulfully (Sun) and through your Emotional Body (Moon).
Luckily our Mercury planet Stationed Direct earlier today (yay!) and we are gearing up to move forward easier within our Mental Body from today onward. Whew! Note that Mercury's placement in Aries right now has been activating everyone's natal ERIS (!) since March 9th! Especially for those of us born between May 1939 and May 1988. Mentally reminding each of us of that which we've been NEGLECTING in our respective lives...according to the themes already mentioned herein.
Have there been opportunities to assert yourself since March that you've ignored, shied away from, run away from? Speaking out before thinking about its impact to those around you? Mercury's communication actions are not only directed outwardly with others - how has your Inner Talk been acting of late? Impatient? Aggressive vs. assertive? Less than loving?
Prairie April Skies! |
Pluto is also in play with this New Moon lineup - he's still travelling through Capricorn, another cardinal sign (earth) creating stress and tension for change regarding power, control, greed, less than integral business practices - ensuring we build a solid foundation of HOW we do business out in the world now. The change is a transformation of how assertive we all are when it comes to above-board business practices, responsibilities, goal-setting - bringing forth reputations of either reliable, not so reliable to downright illegal. Think of Pluto as the Phoenix: dying to some aspect Within only to be Reborn in the next moment. Surrender the Old, embrace the ReNEWed! A continuous do-over of life, death and rebirth...
Dive deeply into those fears that show themselves this Moon cycle to uncover your True Passionate natures. Trust your intuition and instincts; take action accordingly. BE alert, patient, and move your physical body!
March Snowy Mountains |
The Sun was shining here today in Southern Alberta! Yay! The mountains were awesome with their crevices outlining and shining brightly from all the white snow they've received this winter. Snow is melting AND snow is on the way yet again overnight into Monday (sigh...) and Tuesday...glad this weekend we had two days of Spring that was heartwarming and welcome.
Physically, Aries rules the following in the body:
- Acne (eruptions of fire)
- Eyes
- Head, face, scalp and brain
- Headaches and dizziness
Be alert to how the Aries energy is landing within any of these physical areas of your body - cardinal fire MUST be utilized physically somehow - otherwise this energy, if trapped within the physical body can lead to ailments in any or all areas mentioned above. Go for a good long walk, exercise, run and jump, physically MOVE this fire OUT while also navigating your Inner Warrior Inner Explorer Inner Pioneer WITHIN...lots of action this Moon cycle!
Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker
Photo Credits: taken today in High River and Okotoks, AB Canada by Laurie Rae Rezanoff
New Moon in Aries: Letting Go of Old Patterns of Conditioning?
Sunday, April 15th, 2018 at 7:57p MDT the Moon + Sun sit together in the sky as the New Moon at 26 degrees of Aries 02' holding hands with ERIS (!) to remind us this Moon cycle of what it is that we've been neglecting in our respective lives.
At the same time, this New Moon lineup sit at an angle to Jupiter at 21 degrees of Scorpio 06' Rx (retrograde) sensitizing and bringing the expansive energy deep Within to help us all Let GO of Old Patterns of Conditioning re power and control issues, emotional manipulation, Ego-self fears and trust issues! The Divine Plan is to help us move out of the Shadows into our Passionate natures - when was the last time you felt passionate about something? Really truly - when?
The New Moon lineup in the cardinal fire of Aries brings forth the archetypes of:
At the same time, this New Moon lineup sit at an angle to Jupiter at 21 degrees of Scorpio 06' Rx (retrograde) sensitizing and bringing the expansive energy deep Within to help us all Let GO of Old Patterns of Conditioning re power and control issues, emotional manipulation, Ego-self fears and trust issues! The Divine Plan is to help us move out of the Shadows into our Passionate natures - when was the last time you felt passionate about something? Really truly - when?
April Mountains & Clouds High River, AB |
- Warrior
- Pioneer
- Explorer
Via instinctual action, assertion, standing up for ME, Myself & I, eh? This is the "I" of the I AM keywords in Astrology: Aries + planetary ruler, Mars + 1st House themes. Your physical body, moving it athletically or otherwise, and how you embrace that Inner Warrior part of yourself Soulfully (Sun) and through your Emotional Body (Moon).
Luckily our Mercury planet Stationed Direct earlier today (yay!) and we are gearing up to move forward easier within our Mental Body from today onward. Whew! Note that Mercury's placement in Aries right now has been activating everyone's natal ERIS (!) since March 9th! Especially for those of us born between May 1939 and May 1988. Mentally reminding each of us of that which we've been NEGLECTING in our respective lives...according to the themes already mentioned herein.
Have there been opportunities to assert yourself since March that you've ignored, shied away from, run away from? Speaking out before thinking about its impact to those around you? Mercury's communication actions are not only directed outwardly with others - how has your Inner Talk been acting of late? Impatient? Aggressive vs. assertive? Less than loving?
Prairie April Skies! |
Pluto is also in play with this New Moon lineup - he's still travelling through Capricorn, another cardinal sign (earth) creating stress and tension for change regarding power, control, greed, less than integral business practices - ensuring we build a solid foundation of HOW we do business out in the world now. The change is a transformation of how assertive we all are when it comes to above-board business practices, responsibilities, goal-setting - bringing forth reputations of either reliable, not so reliable to downright illegal. Think of Pluto as the Phoenix: dying to some aspect Within only to be Reborn in the next moment. Surrender the Old, embrace the ReNEWed! A continuous do-over of life, death and rebirth...
Dive deeply into those fears that show themselves this Moon cycle to uncover your True Passionate natures. Trust your intuition and instincts; take action accordingly. BE alert, patient, and move your physical body!
March Snowy Mountains |
The Sun was shining here today in Southern Alberta! Yay! The mountains were awesome with their crevices outlining and shining brightly from all the white snow they've received this winter. Snow is melting AND snow is on the way yet again overnight into Monday (sigh...) and Tuesday...glad this weekend we had two days of Spring that was heartwarming and welcome.
Physically, Aries rules the following in the body:
- Acne (eruptions of fire)
- Eyes
- Head, face, scalp and brain
- Headaches and dizziness
Be alert to how the Aries energy is landing within any of these physical areas of your body - cardinal fire MUST be utilized physically somehow - otherwise this energy, if trapped within the physical body can lead to ailments in any or all areas mentioned above. Go for a good long walk, exercise, run and jump, physically MOVE this fire OUT while also navigating your Inner Warrior Inner Explorer Inner Pioneer WITHIN...lots of action this Moon cycle!
Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker
Photo Credits: taken today in High River and Okotoks, AB Canada by Laurie Rae Rezanoff
Saturday, March 31, 2018
Mercury Retrograde Within Aries: Inner Warrior + Pioneer + Explorer...
Mercury began it's pre-Rx (retrograde) Shadow timing March 9th beginning at 04 degrees of Aries 52' journeying forward, or Direct, until 16 degrees of Aries 55' when Mercury Stationed Retrograde (SRx) as of March 23rd.
Now Mercury is Rx moving BACK along the degrees and minutes of Aries it had already traveled forward through early March. I love Mercury Rx - it means a chance for do-overs regarding:
Now Mercury is Rx moving BACK along the degrees and minutes of Aries it had already traveled forward through early March. I love Mercury Rx - it means a chance for do-overs regarding:
- Decisions
- Conversations
- Thoughts
- Self-Talk
- Networking
- What I want to learn more about...
Mercury Rx also brings forth the following:
- Information I didn't Know I Needed to Know!
- Ability to troubleshoot decisions/learning curves that were previous mental blockages, with ease and grace! Thinking outside the box, via right-brain creative intuitive flow works really well now.
- Organizing: closets/drawers/desktops/garages, Inboxes (physically/virtually), Self, etc. How about the boxes and piles of Genealogy?
- People from our Past: to reconnect, finish up unfinished business, resolve issues, whatever needs to be talked about, thought about, completed.
- Unexpected Changes to Plans...and if these plans are long-term (i.e. building/selling/buying a house) expect first intentions to change along the way...and double-/triple-check all the details!
- Communication/local travel devices/machines: can show you HOW they're no longer working properly in your world during these Rx timings - cars, phones, computers - Information I Didn't Know I Needed to Know....just saying...
Within the cardinal fire sign of ARIES: Mercury, our communication/thought processes/what do I want to learn/say/think about? here in cardinal fire - to INITIATE something NEW with INSPIRed Creativity (In Spirit = INSPIRed) - how is Mercury Rx bringing forth inspired ACTION into your brain/mind these days?
Aries, ruled by Mars, brings forth the need to MOVE your physical body, via instinctual action - leaps of faith - and willing to be the Inner Warrior you always have been (!) looking to Pioneer something NEW in your life, ready to EXPLORE new Inner Avenues of You along the way as you take whatever mental risk at this time! BAH! LOL!
Balloon Ride over West Bank, Luxor |
If you feel those "ants in your pants" then get going! Take out your journal or Goal Sheets and write down all the seemingly crazy ideas that are pouring forth with this lovely sunshine we're experiencing today (despite -16 degree windchill temps here in Alberta!) and move yourself forward, while Mercury moves backward, to bring forth much-needed CHANGE within your Life!
Mercury continues to move backward towards 04 degrees of Aries until April 15th when it Stations Direct (SD) to, once again, travel forward again. Then we'll experience the post-Rx Shadow timing as Mercury regains his March 23rd position of almost 17 degrees of Aries by May 3rd! Rx planets bring their energy Within, personalizing and sensitizing our self-awareness; Direct planets bring their energy Without, for us to Take Action out in the world after spending time Within 'seeing' the awareness we were asleep with before now. Take advantage of this personalized Mental Body timing to mentally 'see' what NEW strides you can make for yourself in 2018!
Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker | Facilitator
Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff (Egypt 2011 trip photo) + Google Images
Mercury Retrograde Within Aries: Inner Warrior + Pioneer + Explorer...
Mercury began it's pre-Rx (retrograde) Shadow timing March 9th beginning at 04 degrees of Aries 52' journeying forward, or Direct, until 16 degrees of Aries 55' when Mercury Stationed Retrograde (SRx) as of March 23rd.
Now Mercury is Rx moving BACK along the degrees and minutes of Aries it had already traveled forward through early March. I love Mercury Rx - it means a chance for do-overs regarding:
Now Mercury is Rx moving BACK along the degrees and minutes of Aries it had already traveled forward through early March. I love Mercury Rx - it means a chance for do-overs regarding:
- Decisions
- Conversations
- Thoughts
- Self-Talk
- Networking
- What I want to learn more about...
Mercury Rx also brings forth the following:
- Information I didn't Know I Needed to Know!
- Ability to troubleshoot decisions/learning curves that were previous mental blockages, with ease and grace! Thinking outside the box, via right-brain creative intuitive flow works really well now.
- Organizing: closets/drawers/desktops/garages, Inboxes (physically/virtually), Self, etc. How about the boxes and piles of Genealogy?
- People from our Past: to reconnect, finish up unfinished business, resolve issues, whatever needs to be talked about, thought about, completed.
- Unexpected Changes to Plans...and if these plans are long-term (i.e. building/selling/buying a house) expect first intentions to change along the way...and double-/triple-check all the details!
- Communication/local travel devices/machines: can show you HOW they're no longer working properly in your world during these Rx timings - cars, phones, computers - Information I Didn't Know I Needed to Know....just saying...
Within the cardinal fire sign of ARIES: Mercury, our communication/thought processes/what do I want to learn/say/think about? here in cardinal fire - to INITIATE something NEW with INSPIRed Creativity (In Spirit = INSPIRed) - how is Mercury Rx bringing forth inspired ACTION into your brain/mind these days?
Aries, ruled by Mars, brings forth the need to MOVE your physical body, via instinctual action - leaps of faith - and willing to be the Inner Warrior you always have been (!) looking to Pioneer something NEW in your life, ready to EXPLORE new Inner Avenues of You along the way as you take whatever mental risk at this time! BAH! LOL!
Balloon Ride over West Bank, Luxor |
If you feel those "ants in your pants" then get going! Take out your journal or Goal Sheets and write down all the seemingly crazy ideas that are pouring forth with this lovely sunshine we're experiencing today (despite -16 degree windchill temps here in Alberta!) and move yourself forward, while Mercury moves backward, to bring forth much-needed CHANGE within your Life!
Mercury continues to move backward towards 04 degrees of Aries until April 15th when it Stations Direct (SD) to, once again, travel forward again. Then we'll experience the post-Rx Shadow timing as Mercury regains his March 23rd position of almost 17 degrees of Aries by May 3rd! Rx planets bring their energy Within, personalizing and sensitizing our self-awareness; Direct planets bring their energy Without, for us to Take Action out in the world after spending time Within 'seeing' the awareness we were asleep with before now. Take advantage of this personalized Mental Body timing to mentally 'see' what NEW strides you can make for yourself in 2018!
Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker | Facilitator
Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff (Egypt 2011 trip photo) + Google Images
Twice in a Blue Moon: Full Moon in Libra
Hi Everyone! Today we have a second Blue Moon (Full Moon) event within a calendar month this year of 2018! Cool!
2018 began with a Full Moon within the cardinal water sign of Cancer (perhaps why we're all experiencing so much MORE snow/rain in 2018?! Record-breaking snowfalls for us here in Southern Alberta since 1958!) and ended with a Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse January 31st within the fixed fire sign of Leo - shining our individual Light of Creativity out into the world.
March began with a Full Moon within the mutable earth sign of Virgo - going with the flow of how we each wish to Be of Service out in the world - perfecting processes, organizing our respective worlds along the way....
Now, today, March 31st, within this Easter long-weekend, as of 6:37 a.m. MDT at 10 degrees of Libra 45', we bring forth ILLUMINATION within the cardinal air sign of Libra: re-balancing that which has been out of balance. Where in your birth chart does Libra reside? Here is where the re-balance is activated by the Moon's Light (our Emotional Body), reflecting the Unconscious Desires of the Sun (Soul/vital self).
Cardinal signs initiate CHANGE and something NEW this way comes - what are you 'seeing' for yourself, and to be open to receive, now? Libra, ruled by Venus (our Desire Body) brings forth the need for equality, harmony, peace, beauty and love within our close 1-on-1 relationships/partnerships - be they personal and/or business-oriented.
Libra's glyph depicts the Scales of Justice - hence equality, harmony, the legalities of life here on Earth. Justice, the Goddess, is blindfolded, creating the illusion of non-judgement, diplomacy and negotiations in good faith. I use the word 'illusion' here because of how unbalanced our legal systems seem to be at the moment: within chaos and change - that the Dark side of life here on Earth seems to be gaining more than its usual toehold within society at large.
Each Full Moon brings forth ILLUMINATION: AHA moments of awareness as to what we've each been searching for, in the Dark, that has now been brought into the Light, from Within, to face, embrace, heal (if need be) and either integrated into a new daily habit, and/or let go of as an old bad habit. All since New Moon which began March 17th within the mutable water sign of Pisces - going with the flow Within your need to Be of Service beyond your Ego-self - connecting MORE through your Spiritual-Self.
How much drama have you seen Within/Without since March 17th? Mixed in with Mercury's Rx (retrograde) journey through Aries (cardinal fire) how patient has your mindset been? Quickfire thoughts/decisions/conversations, allowing you to mentally move through obstacles that before Mercury turned Rx seemed insurmountable?
Pisces brings forth the Old Age of Pisces' Shadow role-playing via the Drama Triangle: victim and/or rescuer/rescue me and/or persecuted/bully - where are you still residing within any/all of these roles, within your Life? This Moon cycle will have shown you self-awareness about this theme.
Today's Full Moon in Libra brings forth balance - however momentary it seems. Like a flash of lightning - cuts through the mental chaos to clarify certainty with heartfelt intention for Next Steps.
We want to RELATE with an Other at this time. We want equal face-time to air whatever is on our minds and in our heart of hearts. Interestingly, those of us living in North America, within this Mercury Rx through Aries (Inner Warrior/Pioneer/Explorer) timing have also been navigating the income taxes, connecting with our accountants and/or doing our taxes online ourselves (more the latter, as Aries is all about independence?). What "Information You Didn't Know You Needed to Know" came to you since March 9 re taxes?
Hence the reality of legalities of this Full Moon in Libra: which side of the right/wrong coin are you residing? Integrity is what Pluto has been transforming within the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn since 2007! There is 6 years more of this transformation - wonder what we'll learn/see forever changed? Our monetary system? Look back and remember ALL the public figures who have been felled due to their lack of integrity business practices! Adding to the mix has been Jupiter moving through Scorpio (since October) opening up many Pandora boxes of long-held secrets, lies and deception.
Interesting times we live up more of what was normal business practices from the Old Age of Pisces' Shadow we gain more momentum within this New Age of Aquarius - how are you BEing your True Authentic Self AND contributing within Community AND leading heartfully, with courage, to stand Within that authenticity? To Create something that will SHINE your energy out into this new world unfolding before us?
Check out the balancing act you are currently undergoing - is it more balance or more act? BE social, BE You within the WE, and share, listen, speak, and learn with each conversation, interaction...BE all of whom you truly are in every given moment.
Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker | Facilitator
Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff
March 31st, 2018 -22 windchill snowy morning! |
March began with a Full Moon within the mutable earth sign of Virgo - going with the flow of how we each wish to Be of Service out in the world - perfecting processes, organizing our respective worlds along the way....
Now, today, March 31st, within this Easter long-weekend, as of 6:37 a.m. MDT at 10 degrees of Libra 45', we bring forth ILLUMINATION within the cardinal air sign of Libra: re-balancing that which has been out of balance. Where in your birth chart does Libra reside? Here is where the re-balance is activated by the Moon's Light (our Emotional Body), reflecting the Unconscious Desires of the Sun (Soul/vital self).
Cardinal signs initiate CHANGE and something NEW this way comes - what are you 'seeing' for yourself, and to be open to receive, now? Libra, ruled by Venus (our Desire Body) brings forth the need for equality, harmony, peace, beauty and love within our close 1-on-1 relationships/partnerships - be they personal and/or business-oriented.
Saskatoon Farm Feb 23, 2018 |
Each Full Moon brings forth ILLUMINATION: AHA moments of awareness as to what we've each been searching for, in the Dark, that has now been brought into the Light, from Within, to face, embrace, heal (if need be) and either integrated into a new daily habit, and/or let go of as an old bad habit. All since New Moon which began March 17th within the mutable water sign of Pisces - going with the flow Within your need to Be of Service beyond your Ego-self - connecting MORE through your Spiritual-Self.
How much drama have you seen Within/Without since March 17th? Mixed in with Mercury's Rx (retrograde) journey through Aries (cardinal fire) how patient has your mindset been? Quickfire thoughts/decisions/conversations, allowing you to mentally move through obstacles that before Mercury turned Rx seemed insurmountable?
Pisces brings forth the Old Age of Pisces' Shadow role-playing via the Drama Triangle: victim and/or rescuer/rescue me and/or persecuted/bully - where are you still residing within any/all of these roles, within your Life? This Moon cycle will have shown you self-awareness about this theme.
Jan 31, 2018 Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse |
We want to RELATE with an Other at this time. We want equal face-time to air whatever is on our minds and in our heart of hearts. Interestingly, those of us living in North America, within this Mercury Rx through Aries (Inner Warrior/Pioneer/Explorer) timing have also been navigating the income taxes, connecting with our accountants and/or doing our taxes online ourselves (more the latter, as Aries is all about independence?). What "Information You Didn't Know You Needed to Know" came to you since March 9 re taxes?
Hence the reality of legalities of this Full Moon in Libra: which side of the right/wrong coin are you residing? Integrity is what Pluto has been transforming within the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn since 2007! There is 6 years more of this transformation - wonder what we'll learn/see forever changed? Our monetary system? Look back and remember ALL the public figures who have been felled due to their lack of integrity business practices! Adding to the mix has been Jupiter moving through Scorpio (since October) opening up many Pandora boxes of long-held secrets, lies and deception.
Totem Poles, Saskatoon Farm 2018 |
Check out the balancing act you are currently undergoing - is it more balance or more act? BE social, BE You within the WE, and share, listen, speak, and learn with each conversation, interaction...BE all of whom you truly are in every given moment.
Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker | Facilitator
Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff
cardinal signs,
Drama Triangle,
Full Moon,
Mercury Rx,
Old Age of Pisces,
Twice in a Blue Moon: Full Moon in Libra
Hi Everyone! Today we have a second Blue Moon (Full Moon) event within a calendar month this year of 2018! Cool!
2018 began with a Full Moon within the cardinal water sign of Cancer (perhaps why we're all experiencing so much MORE snow/rain in 2018?! Record-breaking snowfalls for us here in Southern Alberta since 1958!) and ended with a Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse January 31st within the fixed fire sign of Leo - shining our individual Light of Creativity out into the world.
March began with a Full Moon within the mutable earth sign of Virgo - going with the flow of how we each wish to Be of Service out in the world - perfecting processes, organizing our respective worlds along the way....
Now, today, March 31st, within this Easter long-weekend, as of 6:37 a.m. MDT at 10 degrees of Libra 45', we bring forth ILLUMINATION within the cardinal air sign of Libra: re-balancing that which has been out of balance. Where in your birth chart does Libra reside? Here is where the re-balance is activated by the Moon's Light (our Emotional Body), reflecting the Unconscious Desires of the Sun (Soul/vital self).
Cardinal signs initiate CHANGE and something NEW this way comes - what are you 'seeing' for yourself, and to be open to receive, now? Libra, ruled by Venus (our Desire Body) brings forth the need for equality, harmony, peace, beauty and love within our close 1-on-1 relationships/partnerships - be they personal and/or business-oriented.
Libra's glyph depicts the Scales of Justice - hence equality, harmony, the legalities of life here on Earth. Justice, the Goddess, is blindfolded, creating the illusion of non-judgement, diplomacy and negotiations in good faith. I use the word 'illusion' here because of how unbalanced our legal systems seem to be at the moment: within chaos and change - that the Dark side of life here on Earth seems to be gaining more than its usual toehold within society at large.
Each Full Moon brings forth ILLUMINATION: AHA moments of awareness as to what we've each been searching for, in the Dark, that has now been brought into the Light, from Within, to face, embrace, heal (if need be) and either integrated into a new daily habit, and/or let go of as an old bad habit. All since New Moon which began March 17th within the mutable water sign of Pisces - going with the flow Within your need to Be of Service beyond your Ego-self - connecting MORE through your Spiritual-Self.
How much drama have you seen Within/Without since March 17th? Mixed in with Mercury's Rx (retrograde) journey through Aries (cardinal fire) how patient has your mindset been? Quickfire thoughts/decisions/conversations, allowing you to mentally move through obstacles that before Mercury turned Rx seemed insurmountable?
Pisces brings forth the Old Age of Pisces' Shadow role-playing via the Drama Triangle: victim and/or rescuer/rescue me and/or persecuted/bully - where are you still residing within any/all of these roles, within your Life? This Moon cycle will have shown you self-awareness about this theme.
Today's Full Moon in Libra brings forth balance - however momentary it seems. Like a flash of lightning - cuts through the mental chaos to clarify certainty with heartfelt intention for Next Steps.
We want to RELATE with an Other at this time. We want equal face-time to air whatever is on our minds and in our heart of hearts. Interestingly, those of us living in North America, within this Mercury Rx through Aries (Inner Warrior/Pioneer/Explorer) timing have also been navigating the income taxes, connecting with our accountants and/or doing our taxes online ourselves (more the latter, as Aries is all about independence?). What "Information You Didn't Know You Needed to Know" came to you since March 9 re taxes?
Hence the reality of legalities of this Full Moon in Libra: which side of the right/wrong coin are you residing? Integrity is what Pluto has been transforming within the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn since 2007! There is 6 years more of this transformation - wonder what we'll learn/see forever changed? Our monetary system? Look back and remember ALL the public figures who have been felled due to their lack of integrity business practices! Adding to the mix has been Jupiter moving through Scorpio (since October) opening up many Pandora boxes of long-held secrets, lies and deception.
Interesting times we live up more of what was normal business practices from the Old Age of Pisces' Shadow we gain more momentum within this New Age of Aquarius - how are you BEing your True Authentic Self AND contributing within Community AND leading heartfully, with courage, to stand Within that authenticity? To Create something that will SHINE your energy out into this new world unfolding before us?
Check out the balancing act you are currently undergoing - is it more balance or more act? BE social, BE You within the WE, and share, listen, speak, and learn with each conversation, interaction...BE all of whom you truly are in every given moment.
Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker | Facilitator
Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff
March 31st, 2018 -22 windchill snowy morning! |
March began with a Full Moon within the mutable earth sign of Virgo - going with the flow of how we each wish to Be of Service out in the world - perfecting processes, organizing our respective worlds along the way....
Now, today, March 31st, within this Easter long-weekend, as of 6:37 a.m. MDT at 10 degrees of Libra 45', we bring forth ILLUMINATION within the cardinal air sign of Libra: re-balancing that which has been out of balance. Where in your birth chart does Libra reside? Here is where the re-balance is activated by the Moon's Light (our Emotional Body), reflecting the Unconscious Desires of the Sun (Soul/vital self).
Cardinal signs initiate CHANGE and something NEW this way comes - what are you 'seeing' for yourself, and to be open to receive, now? Libra, ruled by Venus (our Desire Body) brings forth the need for equality, harmony, peace, beauty and love within our close 1-on-1 relationships/partnerships - be they personal and/or business-oriented.
Saskatoon Farm Feb 23, 2018 |
Each Full Moon brings forth ILLUMINATION: AHA moments of awareness as to what we've each been searching for, in the Dark, that has now been brought into the Light, from Within, to face, embrace, heal (if need be) and either integrated into a new daily habit, and/or let go of as an old bad habit. All since New Moon which began March 17th within the mutable water sign of Pisces - going with the flow Within your need to Be of Service beyond your Ego-self - connecting MORE through your Spiritual-Self.
How much drama have you seen Within/Without since March 17th? Mixed in with Mercury's Rx (retrograde) journey through Aries (cardinal fire) how patient has your mindset been? Quickfire thoughts/decisions/conversations, allowing you to mentally move through obstacles that before Mercury turned Rx seemed insurmountable?
Pisces brings forth the Old Age of Pisces' Shadow role-playing via the Drama Triangle: victim and/or rescuer/rescue me and/or persecuted/bully - where are you still residing within any/all of these roles, within your Life? This Moon cycle will have shown you self-awareness about this theme.
Jan 31, 2018 Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse |
We want to RELATE with an Other at this time. We want equal face-time to air whatever is on our minds and in our heart of hearts. Interestingly, those of us living in North America, within this Mercury Rx through Aries (Inner Warrior/Pioneer/Explorer) timing have also been navigating the income taxes, connecting with our accountants and/or doing our taxes online ourselves (more the latter, as Aries is all about independence?). What "Information You Didn't Know You Needed to Know" came to you since March 9 re taxes?
Hence the reality of legalities of this Full Moon in Libra: which side of the right/wrong coin are you residing? Integrity is what Pluto has been transforming within the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn since 2007! There is 6 years more of this transformation - wonder what we'll learn/see forever changed? Our monetary system? Look back and remember ALL the public figures who have been felled due to their lack of integrity business practices! Adding to the mix has been Jupiter moving through Scorpio (since October) opening up many Pandora boxes of long-held secrets, lies and deception.
Totem Poles, Saskatoon Farm 2018 |
Check out the balancing act you are currently undergoing - is it more balance or more act? BE social, BE You within the WE, and share, listen, speak, and learn with each conversation, interaction...BE all of whom you truly are in every given moment.
Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker | Facilitator
Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff
cardinal signs,
Drama Triangle,
Full Moon,
Mercury Rx,
Old Age of Pisces,
Saturday, March 17, 2018
New Moon in Pisces: Something DESTINED This Way Comes...
The Moon + Sun sat together at 7:11 a.m. this morning within 26 degrees of Pisces 53' (minutes) celestial longitude - with Chiron to assist with the Spiritual healing we're undergoing, all in opposition to the Vertex (Vx) point sitting in Virgo.
Pisces is our mutable water sign, signifying (of the 3 water signs) the nebulous, foggy, misty water element. We can see it, yet when we reach out to touch it - nothing seemingly is there. Yet we have an Inner Knowing that what is there is more solid than what our eyes take in. Interesting how we experienced fog here in Okotoks late Wednesday evening, hours before the Moon entered Pisces...
Mutable Water - flowing, going WITH the flow, encircling obstacles that come our way. What do we do with these obstacles? Hold onto them? Climb them? Walk through them? FEEL our way through the Emotional Body's flotsam and the storms of our own making and/or drama of others'. Intuitive INsights abound this Moon cycle - as will our emotions, dreams, and visions. Feel, breathe, think, breathe, intuit, breathe, feel, breathe, think breathe, intuit, breathe, then take appropriate action.
The Vertex point is where Fated/Destined people, circumstances and situations occur Without, to bring forth greater INsight, self-awareness, and self-growth, Within. Be prepared for the Fated/Destined processes occurring within your life this Moon cycle. Look for the Houses of Life Experience Pisces/Virgo reside in your birth chart - here is WHERE the Fate/Destiny will show itself. Being in opposition means we'll first oppose these two aspects of Self - teeter-totter to one side, then over to the other side.
The KEY this Moon cycle is to create an AND vs. the Either/Or! Blend these two aspects of Self into ONE - connect with your emotional/intuitive/spiritual Self AND allow yourself to experience the Destined/Fated processes to perfection to intervene. With Inner Wisdom via timely INsights to guide you onward. Virgo brings seemingly unequal relationships together - to teach/learn from one another. We are always learning, guiding, and teaching one another. Look for the Higher Truth - beyond the Ego-Self.
Chiron brings forth healing of our energetic boundaries with one another - the drama/pain and suffering we feel from Others - do we continue to take it in/on for them, or do we each decide that the time has come to step away, WITH Compassion and INsight, to BE there without taking on their pain/suffering? This is a process we've all undergone, when Chiron entered Pisces February 18, 2011 - whether we were conscious of it or not. February 26, 2019 is when Chiron enters and stays in the cardinal fire sign of Aries (until April 2027!).
The Vertex also joins hands with Pluto in Capricorn (Transformation bringing death for a rebirth of a more solid and secure foundation) + Pallas in Taurus (Inner Wisdom, hands-on, to create...what for yourself?) together creating a Grand Earth Trine - here sensuality, materialism or a talent for business are brought forth via unusual sensitivity, intensity and creativity. To be useful or detrimental - depends upon how balanced and grounded you are...
Interestingly, the usual Pisces glyph we Westerners see is has 2 fishes - 1 swimming upstream while the other swims downstream - yet connected to one another. The struggle is one of the Ego-Self - I Know Best! I Can Do It All Myself! Willful and Alone. Against the guidance of our Spiritual/Soul Self who is All Knowing Wisdom connected eternally to the Divine/God/Goddess/Great Spirit/Source.
The Egyptian Pisces glyph shows BOTH fishes swimming in the same direction! What did the early Egyptian Priests/Astrologers know that we now are struggling to remember as we leave the Old Age of Pisces behind? Mastery of the Ego-Self to work WITH our Soul/Spiritual Self - this is the goal. To go With the Flow, Within, then Without. To honour that Inner voice that keeps urging us on to BE heartfully authentically us - via our intuition, visions, dreams and INsights/signs - if we sit still long enough to listen...beyond the chatter and clutter and mental chaos that our Ego-self brings to the table to keep the status quo/same old same old occurring in our lives. You will 'see' this struggle more clearly this Moon cycle.
Pisces brings the following themes to our consciousness this Moon cycle:
Pisces is our mutable water sign, signifying (of the 3 water signs) the nebulous, foggy, misty water element. We can see it, yet when we reach out to touch it - nothing seemingly is there. Yet we have an Inner Knowing that what is there is more solid than what our eyes take in. Interesting how we experienced fog here in Okotoks late Wednesday evening, hours before the Moon entered Pisces...
Mutable Water - flowing, going WITH the flow, encircling obstacles that come our way. What do we do with these obstacles? Hold onto them? Climb them? Walk through them? FEEL our way through the Emotional Body's flotsam and the storms of our own making and/or drama of others'. Intuitive INsights abound this Moon cycle - as will our emotions, dreams, and visions. Feel, breathe, think, breathe, intuit, breathe, feel, breathe, think breathe, intuit, breathe, then take appropriate action.
The Vertex point is where Fated/Destined people, circumstances and situations occur Without, to bring forth greater INsight, self-awareness, and self-growth, Within. Be prepared for the Fated/Destined processes occurring within your life this Moon cycle. Look for the Houses of Life Experience Pisces/Virgo reside in your birth chart - here is WHERE the Fate/Destiny will show itself. Being in opposition means we'll first oppose these two aspects of Self - teeter-totter to one side, then over to the other side.
The KEY this Moon cycle is to create an AND vs. the Either/Or! Blend these two aspects of Self into ONE - connect with your emotional/intuitive/spiritual Self AND allow yourself to experience the Destined/Fated processes to perfection to intervene. With Inner Wisdom via timely INsights to guide you onward. Virgo brings seemingly unequal relationships together - to teach/learn from one another. We are always learning, guiding, and teaching one another. Look for the Higher Truth - beyond the Ego-Self.
Chiron brings forth healing of our energetic boundaries with one another - the drama/pain and suffering we feel from Others - do we continue to take it in/on for them, or do we each decide that the time has come to step away, WITH Compassion and INsight, to BE there without taking on their pain/suffering? This is a process we've all undergone, when Chiron entered Pisces February 18, 2011 - whether we were conscious of it or not. February 26, 2019 is when Chiron enters and stays in the cardinal fire sign of Aries (until April 2027!).
The Vertex also joins hands with Pluto in Capricorn (Transformation bringing death for a rebirth of a more solid and secure foundation) + Pallas in Taurus (Inner Wisdom, hands-on, to create...what for yourself?) together creating a Grand Earth Trine - here sensuality, materialism or a talent for business are brought forth via unusual sensitivity, intensity and creativity. To be useful or detrimental - depends upon how balanced and grounded you are...
Interestingly, the usual Pisces glyph we Westerners see is has 2 fishes - 1 swimming upstream while the other swims downstream - yet connected to one another. The struggle is one of the Ego-Self - I Know Best! I Can Do It All Myself! Willful and Alone. Against the guidance of our Spiritual/Soul Self who is All Knowing Wisdom connected eternally to the Divine/God/Goddess/Great Spirit/Source.
The Egyptian Pisces glyph shows BOTH fishes swimming in the same direction! What did the early Egyptian Priests/Astrologers know that we now are struggling to remember as we leave the Old Age of Pisces behind? Mastery of the Ego-Self to work WITH our Soul/Spiritual Self - this is the goal. To go With the Flow, Within, then Without. To honour that Inner voice that keeps urging us on to BE heartfully authentically us - via our intuition, visions, dreams and INsights/signs - if we sit still long enough to listen...beyond the chatter and clutter and mental chaos that our Ego-self brings to the table to keep the status quo/same old same old occurring in our lives. You will 'see' this struggle more clearly this Moon cycle.
Pisces brings the following themes to our consciousness this Moon cycle:
- Imagination - the Magic, Movies & Illusion - of what our IDEAL of Life will be - if we intend it with an open heart and listen to our creative mind via our feelings, intuition and INsights. Believe In the Magic of this physical life here on Earth. Manifest your Ideal Dream...
- Inner Happiness - lately on FaceBook we've been seeing videos/posts saying it is the responsibility of each person to BE Happy - not for any of us to be responsible for any other person's Inner Happiness. Interesting timing...with all the planets/asteroids in Pisces these past several weeks/months/years. "Don't Worry, Be Happy!" The worry stems from Virgo, Pisces opposite sign, where the Vertex sits this Moon cycle. Be careful of this worry worm our Ego-self likes to distract us with to keep the status quo! Another distraction/escape from what is REAL in our lives.
- Psychic Sensitivity - here is where our intuition, inner INsights, dreams, outer signs/guideposts come into play. Especially when in or around water (yes even while washing dishes!) allow your mind to float, BE Water (as per David Allen) and 'see' what comes forth as Inner Wisdom, answers to dilemmas, decisions more clearly seen.
- Trust/Mystic Awareness - again how well we listen to our Intuitive Wisdom from Within, feel those feelings that lead to understanding the WHY of where we currently are in this Earthly journey.
- Spiritual Healing - especially with Chiron holding hands with both the Moon and Sun - the healing of our spiritual disconnect that birth on this plane (Earth) brings forth. We spend a lifetime swimming back into our Spiritual Consciousness, healing the pain of that separation, while allowing our sensitivities and vulnerablity to become a NORMAL way to live!
- Compassion - with Self and Others - to hold space for all of us to FEEL what we feel, without taking it on for others, or transferring it off to others. Take responsibility for what you truly feel without blaming another. Our feelings are our own - no one MADE you feel this way! And what you FEEL is yours to feel and your right to feel - Always and in All Ways.
- Releasing Helplessness - here is where that Drama Triangle comes into play - the Shadow side of Pisces - moving PAST victimhood/wanting to be rescued or rescuing others/feeling persecuted or bullied. Step OFF the triangle - do it now. You are stronger than you give yourself credit for! Take that Leap of Faith into the Unknown - and know that you are supported by your unseen guides, angels, God/Source/Great Spirit/Goddess - Always and In All Ways!
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Beach Estates Park, 2012 Nanaimo, BC |
Physically: Pisces rules the following within our body - colds (!), the feet, bunions and corns, the lymphatic system, and poisoning and toxicity - this Long Winter that Never Ends of 2017/18 has a lot of us dreaming/wishing for Spring more fervently than usual! Time to flush those Winter toxins away, walk and move the body to get the lymph moving in the body (there's many MORE lymphatic vessels than blood vessels in the body folks!) and eat less of those wintry carbs we crave as the temperatures drop. If any of the above is surfacing for you - look Within for the fear, resistance, Drama Triangle role-playing (signs that your Ego-self is in play!) and FEEL your way through it all! Love yourself, forgive yourself - hugs are good too! And breathe, intuit, breathe, feel, breathe, think, etc.
One last NOTE: Mars (asserting/taking action) in this New Moon chart sits at 29 degrees of Sagittarius (seeking your higher truth/life purpose) with Vesta (focused concentration) at 25 degrees (holding hands with one another) - the 29th degree means we're all ending a cycle of HOW we take the action of seeking our Higher Truth, with focused intention. What cycle are you ending? This New Moon (Moon + Sun) + Chiron are all squaring Mars/Vesta - creating Inner tension/stress to CHANGE something that's been showing itself for a while...and Chiron will be there to HEAL that which needs Inner, have faith and Leap!
Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker | Facilitator
Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff Winter 2017/2018 Okotoks, AB
New Moon in Pisces: Something DESTINED This Way Comes...
The Moon + Sun sat together at 7:11 a.m. this morning within 26 degrees of Pisces 53' (minutes) celestial longitude - with Chiron to assist with the Spiritual healing we're undergoing, all in opposition to the Vertex (Vx) point sitting in Virgo.
Pisces is our mutable water sign, signifying (of the 3 water signs) the nebulous, foggy, misty water element. We can see it, yet when we reach out to touch it - nothing seemingly is there. Yet we have an Inner Knowing that what is there is more solid than what our eyes take in. Interesting how we experienced fog here in Okotoks late Wednesday evening, hours before the Moon entered Pisces...
Mutable Water - flowing, going WITH the flow, encircling obstacles that come our way. What do we do with these obstacles? Hold onto them? Climb them? Walk through them? FEEL our way through the Emotional Body's flotsam and the storms of our own making and/or drama of others'. Intuitive INsights abound this Moon cycle - as will our emotions, dreams, and visions. Feel, breathe, think, breathe, intuit, breathe, feel, breathe, think breathe, intuit, breathe, then take appropriate action.
The Vertex point is where Fated/Destined people, circumstances and situations occur Without, to bring forth greater INsight, self-awareness, and self-growth, Within. Be prepared for the Fated/Destined processes occurring within your life this Moon cycle. Look for the Houses of Life Experience Pisces/Virgo reside in your birth chart - here is WHERE the Fate/Destiny will show itself. Being in opposition means we'll first oppose these two aspects of Self - teeter-totter to one side, then over to the other side.
The KEY this Moon cycle is to create an AND vs. the Either/Or! Blend these two aspects of Self into ONE - connect with your emotional/intuitive/spiritual Self AND allow yourself to experience the Destined/Fated processes to perfection to intervene. With Inner Wisdom via timely INsights to guide you onward. Virgo brings seemingly unequal relationships together - to teach/learn from one another. We are always learning, guiding, and teaching one another. Look for the Higher Truth - beyond the Ego-Self.
Chiron brings forth healing of our energetic boundaries with one another - the drama/pain and suffering we feel from Others - do we continue to take it in/on for them, or do we each decide that the time has come to step away, WITH Compassion and INsight, to BE there without taking on their pain/suffering? This is a process we've all undergone, when Chiron entered Pisces February 18, 2011 - whether we were conscious of it or not. February 26, 2019 is when Chiron enters and stays in the cardinal fire sign of Aries (until April 2027!).
The Vertex also joins hands with Pluto in Capricorn (Transformation bringing death for a rebirth of a more solid and secure foundation) + Pallas in Taurus (Inner Wisdom, hands-on, to create...what for yourself?) together creating a Grand Earth Trine - here sensuality, materialism or a talent for business are brought forth via unusual sensitivity, intensity and creativity. To be useful or detrimental - depends upon how balanced and grounded you are...
Interestingly, the usual Pisces glyph we Westerners see is has 2 fishes - 1 swimming upstream while the other swims downstream - yet connected to one another. The struggle is one of the Ego-Self - I Know Best! I Can Do It All Myself! Willful and Alone. Against the guidance of our Spiritual/Soul Self who is All Knowing Wisdom connected eternally to the Divine/God/Goddess/Great Spirit/Source.
The Egyptian Pisces glyph shows BOTH fishes swimming in the same direction! What did the early Egyptian Priests/Astrologers know that we now are struggling to remember as we leave the Old Age of Pisces behind? Mastery of the Ego-Self to work WITH our Soul/Spiritual Self - this is the goal. To go With the Flow, Within, then Without. To honour that Inner voice that keeps urging us on to BE heartfully authentically us - via our intuition, visions, dreams and INsights/signs - if we sit still long enough to listen...beyond the chatter and clutter and mental chaos that our Ego-self brings to the table to keep the status quo/same old same old occurring in our lives. You will 'see' this struggle more clearly this Moon cycle.
Pisces brings the following themes to our consciousness this Moon cycle:
Pisces is our mutable water sign, signifying (of the 3 water signs) the nebulous, foggy, misty water element. We can see it, yet when we reach out to touch it - nothing seemingly is there. Yet we have an Inner Knowing that what is there is more solid than what our eyes take in. Interesting how we experienced fog here in Okotoks late Wednesday evening, hours before the Moon entered Pisces...
Mutable Water - flowing, going WITH the flow, encircling obstacles that come our way. What do we do with these obstacles? Hold onto them? Climb them? Walk through them? FEEL our way through the Emotional Body's flotsam and the storms of our own making and/or drama of others'. Intuitive INsights abound this Moon cycle - as will our emotions, dreams, and visions. Feel, breathe, think, breathe, intuit, breathe, feel, breathe, think breathe, intuit, breathe, then take appropriate action.
The Vertex point is where Fated/Destined people, circumstances and situations occur Without, to bring forth greater INsight, self-awareness, and self-growth, Within. Be prepared for the Fated/Destined processes occurring within your life this Moon cycle. Look for the Houses of Life Experience Pisces/Virgo reside in your birth chart - here is WHERE the Fate/Destiny will show itself. Being in opposition means we'll first oppose these two aspects of Self - teeter-totter to one side, then over to the other side.
The KEY this Moon cycle is to create an AND vs. the Either/Or! Blend these two aspects of Self into ONE - connect with your emotional/intuitive/spiritual Self AND allow yourself to experience the Destined/Fated processes to perfection to intervene. With Inner Wisdom via timely INsights to guide you onward. Virgo brings seemingly unequal relationships together - to teach/learn from one another. We are always learning, guiding, and teaching one another. Look for the Higher Truth - beyond the Ego-Self.
Chiron brings forth healing of our energetic boundaries with one another - the drama/pain and suffering we feel from Others - do we continue to take it in/on for them, or do we each decide that the time has come to step away, WITH Compassion and INsight, to BE there without taking on their pain/suffering? This is a process we've all undergone, when Chiron entered Pisces February 18, 2011 - whether we were conscious of it or not. February 26, 2019 is when Chiron enters and stays in the cardinal fire sign of Aries (until April 2027!).
The Vertex also joins hands with Pluto in Capricorn (Transformation bringing death for a rebirth of a more solid and secure foundation) + Pallas in Taurus (Inner Wisdom, hands-on, to create...what for yourself?) together creating a Grand Earth Trine - here sensuality, materialism or a talent for business are brought forth via unusual sensitivity, intensity and creativity. To be useful or detrimental - depends upon how balanced and grounded you are...
Interestingly, the usual Pisces glyph we Westerners see is has 2 fishes - 1 swimming upstream while the other swims downstream - yet connected to one another. The struggle is one of the Ego-Self - I Know Best! I Can Do It All Myself! Willful and Alone. Against the guidance of our Spiritual/Soul Self who is All Knowing Wisdom connected eternally to the Divine/God/Goddess/Great Spirit/Source.
The Egyptian Pisces glyph shows BOTH fishes swimming in the same direction! What did the early Egyptian Priests/Astrologers know that we now are struggling to remember as we leave the Old Age of Pisces behind? Mastery of the Ego-Self to work WITH our Soul/Spiritual Self - this is the goal. To go With the Flow, Within, then Without. To honour that Inner voice that keeps urging us on to BE heartfully authentically us - via our intuition, visions, dreams and INsights/signs - if we sit still long enough to listen...beyond the chatter and clutter and mental chaos that our Ego-self brings to the table to keep the status quo/same old same old occurring in our lives. You will 'see' this struggle more clearly this Moon cycle.
Pisces brings the following themes to our consciousness this Moon cycle:
- Imagination - the Magic, Movies & Illusion - of what our IDEAL of Life will be - if we intend it with an open heart and listen to our creative mind via our feelings, intuition and INsights. Believe In the Magic of this physical life here on Earth. Manifest your Ideal Dream...
- Inner Happiness - lately on FaceBook we've been seeing videos/posts saying it is the responsibility of each person to BE Happy - not for any of us to be responsible for any other person's Inner Happiness. Interesting timing...with all the planets/asteroids in Pisces these past several weeks/months/years. "Don't Worry, Be Happy!" The worry stems from Virgo, Pisces opposite sign, where the Vertex sits this Moon cycle. Be careful of this worry worm our Ego-self likes to distract us with to keep the status quo! Another distraction/escape from what is REAL in our lives.
- Psychic Sensitivity - here is where our intuition, inner INsights, dreams, outer signs/guideposts come into play. Especially when in or around water (yes even while washing dishes!) allow your mind to float, BE Water (as per David Allen) and 'see' what comes forth as Inner Wisdom, answers to dilemmas, decisions more clearly seen.
- Trust/Mystic Awareness - again how well we listen to our Intuitive Wisdom from Within, feel those feelings that lead to understanding the WHY of where we currently are in this Earthly journey.
- Spiritual Healing - especially with Chiron holding hands with both the Moon and Sun - the healing of our spiritual disconnect that birth on this plane (Earth) brings forth. We spend a lifetime swimming back into our Spiritual Consciousness, healing the pain of that separation, while allowing our sensitivities and vulnerablity to become a NORMAL way to live!
- Compassion - with Self and Others - to hold space for all of us to FEEL what we feel, without taking it on for others, or transferring it off to others. Take responsibility for what you truly feel without blaming another. Our feelings are our own - no one MADE you feel this way! And what you FEEL is yours to feel and your right to feel - Always and in All Ways.
- Releasing Helplessness - here is where that Drama Triangle comes into play - the Shadow side of Pisces - moving PAST victimhood/wanting to be rescued or rescuing others/feeling persecuted or bullied. Step OFF the triangle - do it now. You are stronger than you give yourself credit for! Take that Leap of Faith into the Unknown - and know that you are supported by your unseen guides, angels, God/Source/Great Spirit/Goddess - Always and In All Ways!
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Beach Estates Park, 2012 Nanaimo, BC |
Physically: Pisces rules the following within our body - colds (!), the feet, bunions and corns, the lymphatic system, and poisoning and toxicity - this Long Winter that Never Ends of 2017/18 has a lot of us dreaming/wishing for Spring more fervently than usual! Time to flush those Winter toxins away, walk and move the body to get the lymph moving in the body (there's many MORE lymphatic vessels than blood vessels in the body folks!) and eat less of those wintry carbs we crave as the temperatures drop. If any of the above is surfacing for you - look Within for the fear, resistance, Drama Triangle role-playing (signs that your Ego-self is in play!) and FEEL your way through it all! Love yourself, forgive yourself - hugs are good too! And breathe, intuit, breathe, feel, breathe, think, etc.
One last NOTE: Mars (asserting/taking action) in this New Moon chart sits at 29 degrees of Sagittarius (seeking your higher truth/life purpose) with Vesta (focused concentration) at 25 degrees (holding hands with one another) - the 29th degree means we're all ending a cycle of HOW we take the action of seeking our Higher Truth, with focused intention. What cycle are you ending? This New Moon (Moon + Sun) + Chiron are all squaring Mars/Vesta - creating Inner tension/stress to CHANGE something that's been showing itself for a while...and Chiron will be there to HEAL that which needs Inner, have faith and Leap!
Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker | Facilitator
Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff Winter 2017/2018 Okotoks, AB
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