Sunday, May 14, 2017

The Venus Synodic Cycle - PART II

The Venus Cycle – paraphrased from Cayelin K Castell’s paper, “Introducing the Venus Cycle”

Venus’ 584-day cycle begins at one Heliacal Rise to another Heliacal Rise (when Venus rises before the Sun when Venus is Rx, in this case).

Venus spends 40 days Rx (Retrograde) moving from Evening Star to Morning Star.

During her Rx phase, Venus conjuncts the Sun and a few days later rises as a Morning Star, to begin a new 584-day cycle.

Venus rises before the Sun (Heliacal Rise) and spends 260 days as a Morning Star with 7 to 8 Moon conjunctions within that period.

As a Morning Star, Venus (aka Inanna/Ishtar) begins her descent into the Underworld. She meets with the Waning Moon (Balsamic Moon) 7 times (7 months) going through the 7 Gates into the Underworld. At each Gate, she gives up a vestment associated with the 7 Chakras, releasing any distortions linked with the Chakra energies:

Gate 1 – Crown Chakra – The Gate of Authority
Gate 2 – Brow Chakra – The Gate of Perception
Gate 3 – Throat Chakra – The Gate of Communication
Gate 4 – Heart Chakra – The Gate of Compassion
Gate 6 – Sacral Chakra – The Gate of Creativity
Gate 8 – The Death by Intent Gate

Saskatoon Farm, Alberta 2017
Venus then joins the Sun for 60 to 90 days. This is the Underworld phase where Inanna dies and is reborn 60 to 90 days later, after she meets with the Sun again – the Source of Life. Dying to her old self and preparing to be reborn anew.

Venus then rises as Evening Star with 7 to 8 conjunctions with the Moon, meeting with the Waxing Crescent Moon, returning through the 7 Gates (7 months) in the reverse order, now Transformed and Empowered from her initiation, regaining her vestments:

Gate 1 – Root Chakra – The Gate of Manifestation
Gate 2 – Sacral Chakra – The Gate of Creativity
Gate 3 – Solar Plexus Chakra – The Gate of Personal Power
Gate 4 – Heart Chakra – The Gate of Compassion
Gate 5 – Throat Chakra – The Gate of Communication
Gate 6 – Brow Chakra – The Gate of Perception
Gate 7 – Crown Chakra – The Gate of Authority
Gate 8 – The Ascension Gate or Life by Intent

Venus then begins her Rx phase for 40 days as the Evening Star, then disappears from the Evening sky. She spends 7 to 8 days meeting with the Sun, and emerges as the Morning Star and new Archetype of the Feminine. We began the new Morning Star/archetype March 31, 2017 at 01 Aries, bringing in the "Wild Woman Warrior" archetype in with her.

Part III: Here I’ll set out the exact dates of the Venus Synodic Journey in Aries we are undergoing currently! Stay tuned...

Photo Credits: Laurie Rae Rezanoff, 2017

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